3D Gait Analysis
Custom Fit is now offering 3D Gait Analysis, the gold standard for run form analysis and data collection. In each test, runners will:
Utilize a marker based 3D Gait Analysis system for extreme accuracy and reliability.
Experience high speed tracking with 1mm error and real-time instantaneous metrics.
Have instant access to data to immediately address areas of concern.
During a 3D Gait Analysis, you can expect:
75 minutes to test, review, demo, and ask questions
Test multiple running shoes (or barefoot!)
Instant access to run data
On the spot corrective & supplemental exercises
Initial Assessment: $199
Follow-up Assessment: $125
After payment is received, you will be redirected to begin booking your appointment!
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Gait Analysis Report
After the assessment, you will get a recording of your gait along with a full report showing:
Cadence is the number of steps per minute you take measured in Steps Per Minute (spm).
Vertical Oscillation is the amount of motion spent going up and down.
Right/Left Ground Contact time is the time spent with your foot on the ground in milliseconds.
R/L Front Side Stance is the percentage of stance phase that happens in front of your center of mass. Higher front side stance can indicate additional braking and slowing.
R/L Duty Factor is the percentage of time spent on the ground (stance) versus the percentage of time spent in the air (swing). A lower value is desirable and it is beneficial to have similar duty cycle values across different speeds.
R/L Leg Stiffness is a measure of how “springy” your leg is while running. Higher stiffness means that your body goes through less motion and lower stiffness means your body goes through more motion. From a performance standpoint, higher stiffness can mean improved performance. Asymmetrical stiffness may indicate past or future injury.
Initial Contact Phase
Tibial Inclination is the angle of your shin bone in relationship to the ground.
Foot Inclination is the angle of your foot in relationship to the ground.
The distance from your Center of Mass (COM) to where your foot hits the ground is a measure that is related to the forces going through your lower body.
Crossover is the position of the foot at initial contact in relationship to the midline of your body.
Mid-Stance Phase
Ankle Dorsiflexion is the amount of motion occurring at the ankle that contributes to force absorption.
Pronation is a normal part of running. When we pronate, it allows our foot to come in contact with the ground and absorb forces.
Peak Knee Flexion is a mid stance measure that is a gauge of how much your body is sinking in to the ground.
Hip Adduction occurs when the hip moves towards the midline of the body and the femur bones get closer together. This is an important part of absorbing forces, but excessive motion can put increased strain on the body.
Internal Rotation occurs when the hip rotates inwards towards the midline of the body. This is an important part of absorbing forces, but excessive motion can put increased strain on the body.
Contralateral Pelvic Drop is often seen in association with excessive hip, knee and ankle collapse.
Forward Lean Angle measures how far forward or backwards you lean during running.
Terminal Stance Phase
Hip Extension happens as the hip extends at the end of stance phase as the body moves forward.
Ankle Supination is when you body pushes off it should be in a supinated position to create a rigid lever at the foot.
Swing Phase
Hip Flexion at mid swing has been linked to the rate at which the foot accelerates towards the ground at IC. If you are limited in hip flexion, it may change how you absorb forces on the ground. Normal range HF = 10-20º.
Sample Report
All results will be interpreted/explained by an expert Run Specialist.
All 3D Gait appointments will be held at 1844 Market St. (STUDIO 2).
75-minute Gait Assessment + Nutrition for Runners Ebook - $199
Additional 60-minute Follow-up (roughly 1 month later) - $125
* All new bookings receive a complimentary Endurance Nutrition Ebook complete with fueling and recovery for runners.
After payment is received, you will be redirected to begin booking your appointment!